Yes you missed 99 ranged broadcast, but don't worry! When I get max cape, you will not miss it. You will be invited to max party and if you cannot come, the party will be postponed! Because you are very super important to me! Cheers!
Yes, I got a golden saradomin godsword. I'll post my winnings later when I can bum the template from someone else 8)
Cheers! Tyvm for coming to say grats! Also I thought it failed because I auto-retaliated and got it earlier than I planned, but you still managed to say gz in time! Cheers!
So we both won 3 golden prizes, and they all belonged to Saradomin/Armadyl/Bandos, once each. Coincidence? > )
Cheers! Tyvm for coming to say grats! Also I thought it failed because I auto-retaliated and got it earlier than I planned, but you still managed to say gz in time! Cheers!
You're welcome! > )
I examined you after my task completed, and I saw your exp was 4k short from 99 (13034k is an iconic number), so I knew to prepare! Also I see now how you time the images, cheerio!
"Volat Accipiter libera est; venandi sua natura est."