I mean dont get me wrong
I love the app and the game
for LG Phoenix Plus it runs slow
some textures and other item details don't show up or there is a white box and with lights like torches or armors with glowing details just a box what the color of what it's supposed to look like
it crashes when I get around other players or to many npc's it kind
It's glitchy and when I try to move my the screen around to see it clicks where I dont want it to
sorry this is the last one for my phone atless I have to scroll up or over on the bottom of my phone to hit the home or back button and when I do so it click on the game it almost got me killed a few time it happen when I scroll down to check the time
I like it other then that it is a great app and feels like it has real potential to be a great game
Sincerely Sprite Gods
03-Nov-2019 08:12:29