So according to RS on twitter this is where you are supposed to put feedback for the iOS beta.
It would be nice if there was a weekly update thread here to inform us that someone has actually looked at this forum and how many feedback reports have been made and or addressed.
I am very sceptical that anyone from Jagex reads these forums and would like to be reassured , somehow, that the posts made aren't in vain, because at this moment in time it seems a lot like a desert here.
Also it would have been useful to have this forum tab named "iOS beta feedback" as there are threads in here that are nothing to do with the iOS beta at all.
When I got a reply on twitter, after a month of tweeting in the various Jagex pages I was told that this forum was THE iOS beta forum, really?
I know what I want to do, but can rarely achieve it
26-Jun-2020 06:34:11