This is not so much a problem thread, as an observation about an overlooked disadvantage that new mobile players have.
I have never played RS before the launch of early access mobile. So I have no comparisons to make. No benchmark to test against.
What I am seeing from reading some of the other posts here, is that we may be missing stuff, or totally unaware because these systems still need to be set up for mobile users. That's part of why you have the early access. I appreciate that. But you must be aware that some of your early access players are not going to be able to give you correct feedback as they dont know any better.
In a thread in this topic, 1 player talks about using magic on growing crops, and how they cant do this on the mobile version. There is no follow up, or other comment. I did not even know this was something I was missing. If I did, I would have posted.
Part of what I am asking for, or asking you to consider your new customer base does not know a lot of things, and will not be able to help you as well as they could. But with a little more focus on them, we can offer you insights that are overlooked by PC players.
Please make this area a little more inclusive. Assume less knowledge from those of us on mobile, make it a little easier for us to learn the game and then bath in the rewards. If you get this right, on release of the mobile app, you will have have more users play this game over the first week, than the last decade of PC use. Mobile players have been crying out for this sort of game, and so far they only have games like Order and Chaos, which are little more than cash grabs**
** mobile is the best mmo rpg I have ever played on mobile. I look forward to playing it for year to comes. It is so different from all the other cash grab crap that flood mobile games, that your victory is almost ensured. But dont treat us like an add on to your community. Your joining our community, the mobile community, help us to help you.
Flectere si nequeo superos, Archeronta movebo
04-Dec-2019 08:49:51