I have been having issues attempting to login to Runescape with my Pixel 2 XL Android phone (running the latest version of Android 11).
On a normal login the process to login usually,
Tap app > app loads > login prompt > tap email/username login button > login page loads > inputs credentials > taps login button > app loads into game
When I attempt to login the process loops like this:
Tap app > app loads > login prompt > tap email/username login button > login page loads > inputs credentials > taps login button > app loops back into initial initial app loading screen > login prompt
I can confirm that this issue occurs in both wifi and on cellular data. Here are the troubleshooting steps attempted so far:
Uninstall and reinstall app
Force close app and erase data
Power cycled phone
Other information regarding my account:
Currently a subscribed member
Has 2 factor authentication turned on. App does not prompt for it during the loop
Am able to successfully login via desktop
No login incorrect or successful prompt is given during the loop.
Please let me know what I need to do to resolve this issue as I would like to enjoy playing your awesome game from my mobile phone.
Thank you
17-Nov-2020 16:51:27