I have said it before and find I have to repeat myself n the vain hope someone will provide an adequate answer.
Why the hell doesn’t the iOS beta work with iOS 12.4.7?
I have spent over half an hour trying to get the heap of dung to run, but no OH NO won’t stay logged n for more than 20 seconds .
Most times my character hasn’t even appeared on the sodding screen before I am logged out.
Come on JAGEX, let’s have a real answer. I have posted most places and not had an answer so let’s have one!!!!!
It isn’t my WiFi as the android phone works well!
This just isn’t good enough, I know it’s a beta but come on, to provide feedback you need to be able to LOG IN!
I tried to report via test flight, that just gets an email reply to post on these forums which everyone knows is a complete and utter waste of time so why bother with that email.
You have really got my goat this time
I know what I want to do, but can rarely achieve it
10-Jun-2020 18:15:25