Closing the inventory make it very annoying to manage switches, and is therefore a trash way to play.
Eating is not the main issue anyways. Eating is dps loss and food stuffing is a bad habit. The main issue is that there's not enough binds for your defensives and stuff like bladed dive, surge, and escape, on top of being able to manage ur thresholds, ultis, and specs. Having the full action bar allows you to switch entire bars when you go from DW, shield, or 2h. This allows you to keep the same basics, while switching for different thresholds.
It is entirely possible to have 14 button action bar and 12 more buttons on the side. Just move the 7 buttons on the right to left (there's space), and allow us to actually tap the "revo bar". Right now, the revo bar is basically just decorative.
05-Sep-2019 00:03:06