Very good update however a point to review.
-It will be necessary to think of optimizing the fight by adding either an additional bar at the same time as the first one, or to modify the interface to choose in priority those which one wants to use.
-Also, I can't change or choose prismatic colors about customization held in Solomon's store.
-Also, the possibility to change the language in the app would be great. I'm french but my family is on the English speaking worlds.
Or the ability to change between different worlds without changing the language of the interfaces of our game. Only dialogues with other players would be different.
-Also think of the function sheathe/unsheathe. A very small thing but very beautiful and practical
Thanks to Jagex for updating RS Mobile!
02-Sep-2019 16:35:19
- Last edited on
09-Sep-2019 21:30:12