I didn't want my title to be something like "My experience so far" but i seem to have painted myself into a corner with my choice. So as sorta promised:
The Good:
I was one of the very first mobile beta testers for rs3. It worked but you really couldn't call it a mobile version. It was essentially the desktop client coded for android and scaled for the phone. The upside was no learning curve but the downside was it was only playable if your phone screen was sensitive enough to discern what you were touching. What we have now is a far more refined product that has been deliberately tailored for a small phone screen.
I like how nearly everything was designed to "pop out" with the press of a button. Though i usually have my inventory open, it is nice to be able to hide the action bars and chat windows. Speaking of the chat windows, it is also nice that you can click on items behind it so that you don't have to close it all the time to click on things.
I keep dismantle on the = position of all my action bars. as such its nice to be able to switch the left and right sides of the bars since the right bar would be hidden when your inventory is out. The feature allowing you to drag things from your inventory into a pop up for high alching and dismantle is also nice.
the Bad:
As some one who does and will continue to use the desktop client i find it very frustrating that some of the setting are linked together. If i modify chat setting from mobile i will have to reset them all going back to the desktop. There really should be a break between mobile and desktop.
Last night i capped at my clan cit and the mini game menu is very small. there is allot of room in the pop out to scale it up so i think that would be a good idea.
Also, when selecting dismantle from the action bar there is no visible indication that it is selected. It won't be a problem unless i accidentally high alch something i needed.
Continued Below.
28-Mar-2019 13:34:02