To whom it may concern,
I am an avid mobile user (who actually solely uses mobile for the purpose of playing RS3).
I have recently been questing and started The Void Stars Back - I have encountered a bug in one of the puzzles halfway through the quest or so that is preventing me from progressing further.
It is the point after opening the second door, where you interact with the panel on the right hand side. The puzzle is in a jigsaw format, where you tap the pieces and tap the empty slots on the board to occupy them - however, on mobile the UI is misaligned and some pieces cannot be assigned to the slots.
Can this please be fixed ASAP, this quest is a requirement for essential endgame quests and apparently this issue is known for years. This makes it impossible for mobile players to actually reach endgame questing content ...
12-Mar-2021 15:56:34