Where is my Nature's sentinel outfit?, Where's my Volcanic trapper outfit?, i can't find them. When i try to use the "Retrieve all outfit pices" in Diango's item retrival don't work. When i try to retrieve my silver athlete's gloves the system say "you already own that!", and don't give me the item. I can't retrieve the Lumberjack outfit too. Do you break the Diango's item retrival system in various diferent places, you dont check you bug's fixing system?. It's not a rule in software development when you fix a bug don't intruduce new ones?.
I'm scared to destroy my master farmer outfit (or any other item from the diango's retrieval system) because I don't know if I can get it back. I'm scared to begin moving my items from diango's retrival system to my bank because i will finish my space in my bank.
You said: "No one likes encounter bugs when they play, so each week we do our best to squash as many as we can! ", are you sure you don't want to say "We like our player encounter bugs when they play, so each week we do our best to introduce as many as we can! "?
FIX THEGAME ASAP. you are adversely affecting the time and efficiency of the players.
Message when Super prayer renewal potion ends was removed too, bring it back again.