Hello everyone, here's the bumper list of patch notes for the Bank Placeholder & Optimisation update!
For this update, we've significantly optimised the following parts of the bank:
Withdrawing of items
Withdrawing to "external storage" such as Beast of Burden
A specific proc used for the Clan Cloak, Clan Vex and Herald Cape has now been moved into the core wear prevention check
Reordered the bank check for Invention items to save a little server load
Removed a check that queued up combat stats on bank withdrawing which wasn't needed
Bank size has now been moved into temporary player variables, allowing us to save server load when you load the bank each time.
Significantly optimised the check for grabbing your Bank Tab data
Optimised all deposit scripts
Centralised the bank checks for the Orebox, as well as additional items that use the bank
Optimised the scripts for unequipping items to your bank
Optimised the scripts for moving items inside your bank
Optimised the scripts when switching between tabs
We've introduced a lot of preset changes, including some excellent features!
An example of one of the preset updates, the ability to edit a preset via drag and drop!
Presets will now attempt to do the following when withdrawing:
Withdraw a lower dose of a vial if you're out of the specific dose that is set in your preset
Presets with scrimshaws will now withdraw the used version if that's saved, otherwise it'll look for the new variant
Presets with silver jewellery will always withdraw the compacted version, otherwise it'll try to find the new one
Presets with Urns will try to find any urns that have been started, otherwise it'll look for the empty version.
You can now edit each individual slot in your preset with a drag and drop from your backpack.
Quick Save/Load presets can now be found on right clicking a number
Augmentation presets now know which augmented weapon/armour to take out (Note: You’ll need to re-save your presets for this to work)
Anachronia and Big Game Hunter have been added to the preset/tab name list
Loot has been added to the preset/tab name list
Presets 1-10 now have F1 to F10 used as an alternate keybind.
Updating the name or loaded preset for each preset is now saved immediately without having to save the preset with the same items loaded
The preset list has new icons which display which inventories it will load
The preset list has new right click options to delete or quick-load the preset
Buttons to load only the inventory, worn or beast of burden have been added
The optimisations mentioned above how allowed us to push the bank tab limit plus much more
An example of how you can switch the placement of your bank tabs.
You can now right click a Tab and customise it with a icon and name
We've increased the total number of Bank Tabs, we now go to 15
You can now right click the main bank tab icon and apply a vertical/side toggle for your bank
A significant client update which means you can see all of your object icons rendered in as you scroll, no more waiting!
A new style for the bank has been applied
With your interfaces unlocked you can now drag the bank interface however you want
We've added more bank space to even out total numbers (now 1,320 from 1,271)
The search field is now much more responsive, as a result it should now run much smoother
Bank filters and searches will now display the number of items found
Your Money Pouch is now shown in bank interface
Filters/Searches display how much has been found
We’ve removed the delay between dropdown menus (the loading spinner)
Equipping from a list of searched items will no longer reset the search results
The NXT client will now preload all object graphics on launch, this means when loading the bank it will now make all of your objects appear instantly instead of the delay when scrolling through.
Removed duplicating "bank is full" messaging
We've now removed "free slots & members" bank slots and made it one entire number
Mobile: Numerous interface changes have been made
The bank now says "Bank of Gielinor" instead of "Bank of RuneScape"
Added the amount stored of an item to it's examine text.
Summoning familiars can now be summoned from your bank via a new right click option
Your bank interface will no longer be closed when dragging an item out your bank to destroy it
Spoofing has been added for deposit all buttons, meaning you don’t need to wait for the server to deposit the items
Bank Placeholders have been an update wanted by players for a very long time, you can now allow withdraw an item and leave behind a stack of "0", this means you can't interrupt your lovely bank layouts!
An example of how you can toggle the Placeholder option and how it works.
Keybind added for Placeholders "P"
Right clicking placeholders allows you to "delete all placeholders"
When selecting to wield an item, it will force a placeholder regardless of the toggled option.
Presets will automatically leave behind a Placeholder
While we had a limited filter option from an update back in 2018, this has now been revamped, allowing you to tailor your bank based on the filter you've selected
An example of how you can switch the placement of your bank tabs.
We've added a filter for worn equipment
We've added a filter for tradeable/untradeable items
The Clean-up filter now shows items that can be returned to the Quest Point Shop, Diango, or just plain old junk, any items clicked with this filter on can be destroyed immediately, allowing you to free up some bank space.
Additionally, this will be listed in a "tab-styled" view so you can immediately see which areas these clean-up items belong in.
We've added a filter to show placeholder items only
Everyone withdraws from their bank, to ease this and make it more quicker and efficient to do so we've added the following:
An example of how the withdraw-x option could work.
You can now customise the quantity of your left click withdraw
Withdraw-All: Withdraws everything and only leaves a placeholder if the option is toggled.
Withdraw-Placeholder: Is the same as Withdraw-all but forces a placeholder regardless of the toggled option.
Withdraw-X: Works the same as it does in-game regardless of the new X-value setting.
Added keybinds for the withdraw buttons in the bank interface:
Alt+1: 1
Alt+2: 5
Alt+3: 10
Alt+4: All
Alt+5: X
Alt+6: Input
Tooltips have been added for each withdraw button
When withdrawing presets they automatically put down placeholders regardless of the toggled option.
Your bank won't shift when items are removed and there are no placeholders until the bank is closed, similar to OSRS.
When the equipment interface is selected, left clicking items will attempt to equip them if they are able to be equipped.
I love Clans!
For this update, we've significantly optimised the following parts of the bank:
We've introduced a lot of preset changes, including some excellent features!

Bank Tabs
The optimisations mentioned above how allowed us to push the bank tab limit plus much more


Bank Placeholders have been an update wanted by players for a very long time, you can now allow withdraw an item and leave behind a stack of "0", this means you can't interrupt your lovely bank layouts!

While we had a limited filter option from an update back in 2018, this has now been revamped, allowing you to tailor your bank based on the filter you've selected

Everyone withdraws from their bank, to ease this and make it more quicker and efficient to do so we've added the following:

Note: After looking at a year’s worth of device data we have decided to disable RuneScape Mobile access for some devices, mainly running on Android 5, due to their poor performance and ability to run the game smoothly.
Mod Shauny - RuneScape Community Management - Goebies! - @JagexShaunyI love Clans!
27-Sep-2019 11:17:20 - Last edited on 30-Sep-2019 10:31:22 by Mod Poerkie