Future Event Info:
The next event will be Rangin's Fishing Event! It will be August 7th. More info coming soon!
SotW9 will follow this event, expect it in mid August. The skill will be polled at the end of the month.
SotW10 has no official date, but will be a Fishing competition. There is a possibility that this is a team event, more details to come after SotW9.
W22 Fish Now Hosting Movie Nights!
With increasing interest, we have decided to set-up a regularly scheduled movie night for everyone. This will be the first official one held, and we will make adjustments/take suggestions to better things if necessary with enough feedback!
• When: Saturday July 25th at 9:00pm EST (6:00pm PST) - Voting will end on Friday July 24th at 9:00pm EST (6:00pm PST)
• Where: Movies Voice Channel
• We will be asking EVERYONE to be on PTT during the movie and keep side conversations to a MINIMUM. If it seems that people are consistently disruptive to those watching, we will adjust in the future to have everyone’s voice coms be muted during the event and assign conversations to a designated text channel for the movies.
¸.´¸.*´¨) ¸.*¨)
(¸.´ (¸.*¨W22 Fish Event Low Down
-W22 Fish clan chat has been persistent in hosting events, helping us inch closer to our goal of creating a strong sense of community withing our guild.
-We continue to welcome
who is interested in having positive and helpful individuals to talk to, while enjoying their day to day game play.
-We make sure to give back to our members; no matter new or old. We do this by hosting large drop partys and competitions all originally funded by leadership (donations are accepted from anyone but not expected.)
-Since we've introduced ourselves to the OSRS community we've given back over 200,000,000 GP to our members at drop partys, and 150,000,000 GP to our competitors during competitions.
><> W22 Fish OldSchool Clan Overseer <><
31-Mar-2020 04:32:27
- Last edited on
14-Jul-2020 00:21:39
And here are your Sotw7 winners! Thank you everyone for participating!
We will have event info regarding Barbarian Assault soon
If you are a winner, a member of OSRS leadership will contact you to prize you out within the next few days!
SotW7 Top Ten
1st - 12m - Its Oatmeal
2nd - 10m - Its DumbNoob
3rd - 8m - Its Cassiuss
4th - 6m - Buhnana Klip (Blakeg21); Buhnana gave up his spot
5th - 5m - Ninjaman1224
6th - 4m - Biomes
7th - 3.5m - Lts Rich
8th - 3m - Ausmicrei199
9th - 2.5m - Its Korky
10th - 2m - Camdenan
Congrats to everyone who placed in the Runecrafting comp! We will be doing a Fishing event next, after that will be our next competition! Stay tuned on discord for voting