Help! I can’t event get the Halloween 2019 quest started! I’ve been trying since the day it was released but every. single. Time. I talk to the goblins I get the same dialogue:
Me: Wooooo wooo woooooooo!
Goblins: What you saying human? Stop talking blabberish!
Then the chat ends. If I try talking to epic mager first I also get the same dialogue every time, that he was captured and hit on the head when he tried to teleport and to talk to the goblins. Then I go talk to the goblins and it’s the same, the wooo’s. I’ve submitted bug reports and tried everything I can think of but nothing changes. I feel like I’m stuck in an endless loop of getting nowhere. I would like to do this event before it ends ):
Am I missing something???
29-Oct-2019 15:46:07