I used the Game Center login to generate one of my accounts and now want to complete the Varrock Diary. Unfortunately, to do this, I’m required to do all 4 emotes from Stronghold of Security (which requires that I set up a two-factor authentication before getting the last emote). Despite the Game Center already having a built-in 2F authentication system, and the fact that I can*t set up a new one (since the game center credentials don’t formally link to an email, on top of the fact that its been years since we’ve had the ability to link emails to game center accounts), I’m stuck in the position where I can*t actually progress the Varrock diary.
Is there some sort of work-around or fix for this? If not, it’d be really nice if actual, meaningful game content wasn’t being arbitrarily gated by something I can** functionally fix.
12-Jul-2021 22:22:14