My other account has literally just been banned on OSRS... I've had a search through the forums and apparently this has happened to people before with the mobile version.
I'm not sure if it's the time I've spent on the game recently but I've had a load of extra time due to Covid restrictions... what a waste of time!
I'd just been smelting some steel bars (for the first time) at edgeville, then asked some guy how he managed to get into a building with a locked door (outside the G.E) then bam, it booted me out? Tried to log back in instantly and it said my account has been disabled. Said the offence was committed today so yeah...I've tried to appeal it as "you've made a mistake" but I have no idea. Hopefully they take into account the covid restrictions and the fact that I'm talking as human activity?
17-Sep-2020 13:22:32