Device name: Samsung Galaxy S7
Model Number: SM-G930A
Location: USA
Wifi: Yes
Cellular: 4GLTE
Data Provider: AT&T
OS: Android
OS version: 8.0.0
How is the app performing for you?: I am honestly impressed! The app performs exquisitely on my device. I have noticed a few times my phone overheated but that was probably due to playing whilst the phone was on the charger, and after an hour+ of straight game play. It does take a major toll on my battery life though, and I dont think there is any way around that. I will be adding some of my suggestions to the appropriate posts, but as far as how this performs on my device, I give it a 9.8/10
19-Jul-2018 11:42:16
- Last edited on
19-Jul-2018 11:43:55