Hi, I been trying since January to comunicate with the support team, and no answers. Its months paying for membership and I can't fully play the game. This is making me re considering getting membership again. How is it that I been for months reporting a bug with OSRS mobile app and nothing has been done? I can't even try to do any quest or slayer task that involves killing something higher lvl because the app randomly keeps closing on me. I already read hundreds of your IT tips on your website and nothing. It used to happen a few times a day randomly now is even more often. The OSRS mobile closet up when I'm playing, it does now happening so often that if I'm in the middle of a slayer task attacking something, the app close up and try to log in back quickly but it doesn't let me because still open trying to kill whatever I was before the app close up, them when I'm back I'm dead. It started in January and nothing has been done. How can I possibly play without the app closing on me? Please help
If I connect to the charger the mobile, the app will close. If I m playing and the phone is charging and I un plug the charger, same the close. And if Im don't doing ether of those the game close. No matter what Im doing, the app keeps randomly closing in the middle of the game. Tried**** installing. I had tried everything but changing the mobile. What should I do? Why no one answered?
12-Jul-2020 20:36:20