1. What happened was I removed my email, I couldn't buy membership because my main kept popping up and not the alt (I use google redeem cards to buy stuff) , had to remove the acc for a while so I can buy membership using my alt
After doing the transaction I tried to log back into my main email but I forgot the pass sent an email to google after a while I was playing osrs, the electricity comes and goes every 12 hours
When it was 2 p.m the electricity went out and I accidentally pressed log in into the acc while it was out and for some reasons it logged me off the acc, tried to enter the pass I remember but it turns out that it wasn't the correct pass
2. not really sure tbh, I don't press on the google button to log in but I usually write the pass and the email by myself when I want to log in if my pass was renewed (aka if i got a new pass) or if the game forgets what I wrote like what has happened with me currently
Sorry if there was any grammatically issues in my threads/posts
03-Nov-2019 11:58:21