It sounds to me like you have not used the correct login and have ended up in a brand new account.
Look your account up in the OSRS High Scores - you should still be able to see it.
The display name will not have been removed after such a short time of inactivity. The mention I made above about account inactivity applies to accounts that have been inactive for several years or more.
Mobile RS has given players a multitude of methods to login with but each of these methods will take the player to a different account.
Work through the
Google login FAQs
support page and the
Log in using Google
support page and you will probably find the login you used earlier this year.
If you are using an iOS mobile, you will need this page instead:
Game Center FAQs
My account I've been playing with shows up on the high scores but I can't log into it. I changed my name yesterday when I was playing from Vikingdeezy to Dondolemite but somehow my email got linked with an account I made a long time ago but never played. How do I get the account that I've been playing back?
David Chris
My account I've been playing with shows up on the high scores but I can't log into it. I changed my name yesterday when I was playing from Vikingdeezy to Dondolemite but somehow my email got linked with an account I made a long time ago but never played. How do I get the account that I've been playing back?
David Chris
I was just logging in through my google but my email was linked to the account but now my email switched to some old account I made and never played. So I've tried everything possible on the support page but it won't let me log into my account using my username and the only email I've ever had in my life which was just linked to my account that I've been playing keeps logging me into some old account. I really don't wanna see all this time I've put into this game just get washed down the drain.
David Chris
If you have been logging in through your Google account, it means you probably haven't yet set a login email/password to your Runescape account.
Your Google account email does not automatically become your Runescape login email - you have to set a login email.
It sounds like the email has been used already for another RS account.
You also cannot use the display name as a login - not since 2010 has that been possible.
Note: if your email is a Gmail, you will be able to tweak a new login email without making a huge change to your current Gmail address.
Use the same login email for different accounts
So tell me how I'm supposed to do that when I can't log in my account? And I've read all that stuff on the support page but y'all are really damn near pathetic about how situations are handled. This should of never happened to begin with but then y'all make it as hard as it possibly can be to figure out how to fix whatever problem is at hand without y'all having to do anything hands on. Y'all make me not even wanna play anymore after seeing how you handle ****.
David Chris
bigdeeezzyy, we are all players in here - the forums are player run.
We cannot see into your account, all we can do is try to explain what might have happened and point you to the support pages so you can get the issue sorted.
You need to go back to how you were logging in two days ago - you said you were logging in through your Google account.
So, start by logging yourself into your Google account then load up Runescape and click the "continue with Google account" option.
This should get you back into the Dondolemite account.
Once you have account access back, set a login/password to it so that you don't have to continue logging in through your Google account.
Note: your Google account email is not automatically made the login email for your Runescape account, you have to manual set an email login.
I agree that the new mobile Runescape has opened up some new methods to log in to our accounts.
It's just a matter of being clear about which method you are using and about managing changes without getting confused.