I have nothing to add other than that i have this issue aswell. Hope it will be fixed soon.
For me it did occur after having changed my rsn but that might have been a coincidence.
I am having problems when I signed up for that bata tryed to long I and all the sudden my account got overrided so now my mobile account is gone and my account that I have not used in years that is low level is back and I can't get back to my other one luck*y I could turn of my membership.
Who do I need to contact to fix this problem all the emails I tried are automated
Are you certain that you are being taken to an old account? It's more likely to be a brand new account that has been created by accident. Mobile access accounts have only been a thing for the past five years.
You need to apply a login email/pw to that account then log out of it
on mobile as your phone is 'locked' to the account until you do.
So, you enter the login for jonblue90 but your mobile takes you to fireman439 ?
Do you remember creating fireman439?
Was it through your Google account/Game Centre account/Facebook account etc.
Do you remember if fireman439 has an email/pw login?
Do you log out fully when you leave the game (after finding yourself in fireman429)?
Logging out fully involves clicking the door icon then 'Tap here to logout' then 'Sign out' then 'Yes'.
Have you checked the instructions on the
Why can't I log in to the correct account on mobile?
support page?
The page provides links to add a login email/pw to mobile accounts created through Google, Game Centre, Apple and Facebook.
Either you are not logging out fully (which will keep returning you to the same account if you don't) or else the fireman439 account does not yet have its own email/pw login (and you need to add one).
If you have been unable to access the game for the past three weeks, try posting a thread in the
Community Led Technical Support
I don't think the technical people have seen your thread here.
I tried all that uninstalled the app and un liked the account now it's just going to tutorial Island I mean I don't know what else to do now I spent a lot of money I can even give you the last four digits of my card that I used if I can get my account back