1. Your Name: saika m1
2. Current rank: 3 stripes
3. Avatar request for and time length: 30 minutes/1 hour
4. Type of avatar Combat, Skilling, Citadel use: skilling
5. World using on:citadel/world 99
I have returned the avatar thank you very much
23-Jan-2016 14:49:15
- Last edited on
23-Jan-2016 18:06:13
saika m1
tyvm for doing app and enjoy ur time with ava lol please have someone change ur rank back when u are finished tyvm
honey and bear cant have one w/o the other
N*k3 X Man-----------------------0
Namast1 --------------------376,787
I would like to to say
to the winners of our slayer competition
Namast1, Drumseeker and Pigboy!
Great job!!!! I would also like to say great job to
Agile Andrew
who got an amazing 4,128,748 xp this week!! I'll be contacting the winners in game for ya'll prizes when I see you. I'd also like to thank everyone who entered the competition!
At the start of every new year we do some renovating and changes to the clan, some small, some big!
I try and look at what needs changed over the past year and make those changes at the start of every year to make FUN. more active and fun! We have made a lot of changes over the past few years and the clan has become even more fun and friendly then any time before! We strive to make sure we have a place ppl enjoy and love to come too. Hense why we have so many visitors every day.
With that ill get on to some of our new updates for the new year!
First Inactive process is under way again, for those who haven't been active over the last 3 months+ you guys and gals will be moved down to 1 stripe if a regular member, 3 stripe if a higher rank, when you decide to come back feel free to let us know or we will see from your 1 stripe and move you to 2 stripes the new/returning rank for a 2 week probation which if you stay active youll be right back to your old rank!
We have changed the bump time to 1 hour now instead of every 30 mins, this will make it easier to track when a bump is needed, keep this thread alive abit more and still keep it actively bumped!
We have combined the ingame ranks Chat officer and Activity Coordinator into the organizer rank so now both will have those spiffy silver cross ranks!
"Cows" or Cavers of the week, will now be the old AC rank General, so they will have shiny gold stars showing who is our top caver that week!
We have changed the ranks name from Activity Coordinator and Chat Officer to Activity and Chat guide! so now you are both guides!
Last but not least we have added a brand new rank!
Avatar Wardens, now many of you know in FUN you can post on our event thread to request taking an avatar out for an extended period of time, use to be 4 hours, that is now 12 hours when requesting! And that still is here, that is now known as the Temporary Avatar warden, ppl who take the avatar out for person use and don't want the responsibility of a job that comes with the permanent rank!
For the Permanent avatar wardens, this title is for those who want to earn it, the rules will be specified on the event thread, but this is for ppl who take the avatar out on a daily basis, who help the clan by notifying regularly they have it out and where, preferably for every hour you have it out, who do their best to avoid logging out with it and if so they don't log with it for longer then 15 mins as everyone forgets or makes mistakes!. More rules and details will be posted on the event thread soon!
Id like to take this time to thank all my ranks from the brand new members keeping fun active and fun, to our old veterans who are our elders and advisors and other ranks who help keep fun strong, moving and growing! You all are what make fun great! Over 7 years we been here, and hopefully we will be here for along time to come yet! Thanks again everyone, our 8 year anniversary is coming up soon! few more months!
Take care all if you have any questions feel free to contact myself, an elder or advisor for more details!