The Challenge to End All Challenges(overall exp comp) - Is Thunder, Lukas Of W99, 1226midnight, Celc
Five Finger February Thieving Event - Shanntra, Imhoneybear, Hollynite, 1226midnight
March Madness Dungeoneering Competition - Captainfarva, Akbar99, Dom Patience
April Runecrafting Comp - Dom Patience, Xarraka, 1226midnight, Cyprusgirl
May Ranging Comp- ImhoneyBear, Hollynite, Dom Patience
June Agility Comp - Shanntra, DontdotheDew, Imhoneybear
July Happy Hunting Comp - Imhoneybear, Shanntra, 2nfu
August Dommieo Dungeoneering Event - Dom Patience, Mathwiz*, Drumseeker
September Deadly Divination - Katbites4, Fair Walrus, Chocobojocky, Jackeh R
October Slayer Comp - Dondanubie, Rob Hopkins, Bern of RF, DrumSeeker
January Delirious Dungeoneers DG - Mathwiz*, Agile Andrew
June Domination Divination - Pigboy392, Misstikul, and Vinyl***-3
July Summer Grilling - Pigboy392, Misstikul, Sunsets Lily and Creestab
September Skilling Competition -
November Mining Meditation - Pigboy 392, Misstik(u)l
January Savage Slayer - Pigboy, Troll Lord, Misstikul, and Saika M1
February Double Experience Weekend - Pigboy, Free Kebab, ChrisTho(m)ps
March Muggers - Pigboy, Gurudarkness, and Misstik(u)l
April Combat Action - Pigboy, Warrior2128, saika m1, TheSand
May Dungeoneering Skill Competition - Pigboy, Hogboy, Braze, 2nfu, Paraquat250
June Definite Divination Skill Competition - Imhoneybear, Saika m1, Misstik(u)l
July AgilityFest 2015 Skill Competition - Pigboy, Jibberish, Saika m1
August Prifddinas Pickpocket Parade - Pigboy, ImQuackers, DrumSeeker
September Span Spectacular (Runecrafting) - Pigboy, Misstikul, Saika m1
October Fun Cave Fishing - Pigboy, Misstikul, ChocoboCrazy
Thanksgiving Cookoff - Pigboy, Nbk 3 man, Saika m1
Winter Woodcutting Competition - Pigboy, Misstikul
Competition Winners - 2013
The Challenge to End All Challenges(overall exp comp) - Is Thunder, Lukas Of W99, 1226midnight, Celc
Five Finger February Thieving Event - Shanntra, Imhoneybear, Hollynite, 1226midnight
March Madness Dungeoneering Competition - Captainfarva, Akbar99, Dom Patience
April Runecrafting Comp - Dom Patience, Xarraka, 1226midnight, Cyprusgirl
May Ranging Comp- ImhoneyBear, Hollynite, Dom Patience
June Agility Comp - Shanntra, DontdotheDew, Imhoneybear
July Happy Hunting Comp - Imhoneybear, Shanntra, 2nfu
August Dommieo Dungeoneering Event - Dom Patience, Mathwiz*, Drumseeker
September Deadly Divination - Katbites4, Fair Walrus, Chocobojocky, Jackeh R
October Slayer Comp - Dondanubie, Rob Hopkins, Bern of RF, DrumSeeker
Competition Winners - 2014
January Delirious Dungeoneers DG - Mathwiz*, Agile Andrew
June Domination Divination - Pigboy392, Misstikul, and Vinyl***-3
July Summer Grilling - Pigboy392, Misstikul, Sunsets Lily and Creestab
September Skilling Competition -
November Mining Meditation - Pigboy 392, Misstik(u)l
Competition Winners - 2015
January Savage Slayer - Pigboy, Troll Lord, Misstikul, and Saika M1
February Double Experience Weekend - Pigboy, Free Kebab, ChrisTho(m)ps
March Muggers - Pigboy, Gurudarkness, and Misstik(u)l
April Combat Action - Pigboy, Warrior2128, saika m1, TheSand
May Dungeoneering Skill Competition - Pigboy, Hogboy, Braze, 2nfu, Paraquat250
June Definite Divination Skill Competition - Imhoneybear, Saika m1, Misstik(u)l
July AgilityFest 2015 Skill Competition - Pigboy, Jibberish, Saika m1
August Prifddinas Pickpocket Parade - Pigboy, ImQuackers, DrumSeeker
September Span Spectacular (Runecrafting) - Pigboy, Misstikul, Saika m1
October Fun Cave Fishing - Pigboy, Misstikul, ChocoboCrazy
Thanksgiving Cookoff - Pigboy, Nbk 3 man, Saika m1
Winter Woodcutting Competition - Pigboy, Misstikul
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13-Jun-2015 15:57:22 - Last edited on 24-Jan-2016 02:05:24 by Misstikul