Diamond Ahri------------3,353,693
Mandread -----------------------0
Nnk3 x man---------------754,895
Power is Key-------------5,245,540
Gratz tp our winners: Powerr is key, Saika M1 and Pigboy. I'll be find y'all ingame for your prizes. TYVM all for entering the comp!
1. Your Name: Trixas
2. Current rank: Sergeant
3. Avatar request for and time length: skilling 5
4. Type of avatar Combat, Skilling, Citadel use: Skilling
5. World using on: at citadel mostly will tell if i change worlds as always
1. Your Name: Trixas
2. Current rank: Sergeant
3. Avatar request for and time length: skilling 12
4. Type of avatar Combat, Skilling, Citadel use: Skilling
5. World using on: at citadel mostly, will tell if i change worlds as always