I'm not even sure where the "event" is! I teleported to "it", and that brought me to the GE. There was a cabinet with options to tele to a "player owned port", or "deep sea fishing". Both were greyed out, probably because I am only f2p.
So I asked a mod who happened to be by the GE, "Is the 2018 Christmas Event P2P only", and he/she answered, "Not as far as I know".
So I read the announcement, and thought it might mean that I would get double xp for fishing, and THAT was the event. But I didn't get extra XP when I tried, and the players at the dock had no idea what I was talking about.
So I admit I'm clueless... what is the actual event? Where is it? Is it p2p only? Thanks...
09-Dec-2018 15:24:41