1. there's serious issue with wildy flash mobs esp combat related where a lot of players are unable to complete them for achievement's due to people botting them on multiple accounts ( mostly using necro) and necros kill effect when mobs are low hp * which should NOT be allowed during events ...also the fact that all the pets /cosmetics/and skills /skill cosmetics etc obscure target's for players as well ... esp on world 48 which is grossly overpopulated at the time of writing this ...
2.after making wilderness skull's untradable( massive mistake) there now is no way to redeem as items !. when no longer desired to have them they should be able to be resold to an npc in edgeville for thir gp value !! (personally i have 4 just sitting in my bank that's over 2m worth of gp i cannot otherwise utilize) ....
3. allow the xmas presents acquired from "wrapping paper" to be able to be banked this is a no brainer they are gifts which should be allowed to be used at a players discretion /choice tharthater than being forced to be used immediately or sacrifice backpack slots which is simply absurd
4. allow a setting to auto redeem lamps and stars acquired from other sources like treasure hunter settings or other wises allow lamps to be combined and also banked for use at players discretion ..again they are are supposed to be reward items not burdens ...
28-Dec-2023 13:57:16