
= WWE - Wrestling - T29 =

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Posts: 12,964 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This message is not to Brama Bull2. This message goes out to the WWE Roster.

I don’t know about any of you, but I find myself spectacularly underwhelmed. What Brama considers to be an exposal, what Brama considers to be breaking news is, in reality, nothing more than a foregone conclusion.

I am a self-confessed egotist. I don’t let things lie and I don’t allow myself to be disrespected. Perhaps these are the reasons I’ve never lost a battle, but regardless, I believe they’re principles we can all relate to. I apologise, WWE Roster, if I’ve offended any of you in my defence of RSW. You are, for now, part of the problem, but you will become part of the solution once you believe in me.

Despite talking a lot about it, what many of you won’t realise is that Brama Bull has never earned anyone’s respect. It’s only now, with so many new faces, that he’s able to pull the wool over your eyes. Whilst I sit at my computer screen and “peck angrily” at my keyboard, he sits behind his; quivering, shaking – praying you don’t realise the truth about him. But people are waking up. And the truth is about to come out.

As an example of his lack of integrity, just look at when this Thread was actually created. New Year’s Eve, 2012. The ‘President’ of this federation has been toying with the idea of making this company for nearly two years – toying with the hearts and minds of RSW. That’s not a man who’s committed to this industry as he says he is. It furthermore appears that the newfound ‘President’ of this company had nothing else to do on New Years Eve that year. And whilst unrelated to my argument, I just think that’s funny.

That Brama Bull left to restore demand is another fabrication, because he’s never truly left RuneScape. If Brama Bull were truly the ‘pebble’ in his ridiculous theory, mechanical weathering would’ve reduced him to nothing more than a speck of dust by now. His megalomaniac façade sickens me, because I’m one of few who remember what he’s really like.

07-May-2014 22:18:21



Posts: 12,964 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I implore all of you; look at the way he types. See his inferiority complex. This is a man who wants to rule you but has no place on a throne. The WWE ‘President’ never did anything for this industry, but still assumes he deserves everything.

As for me, I have left RuneScape Wrestling twice in my career. And each time, when I left – I left. Out of the game for nearly 3 years, I returned because people asked me to save a dying RSW in 2011. In 2014, I return to ensure Brama Bull doesn’t disgrace it.

If it weren’t for NWF’s return in 2011, Miniman2220 wouldn’t have come back, Fantastico J wouldn’t have come back, the mighty Gweav wouldn’t have come back. The legend of wrestling that is Kazokio Dave wouldn’t have come back.

My company prolonged RSW’s life span by more than 2 years. Who else could’ve done it? Samual Dude and WWA? Brama Bull and this company? When I eventually handed over control of the NW* again in late 2012, not even three men at once could do what I did and keep RSW running. It closed early the next year – I know this because I signed the document with a steely resolve. The decision was hard. But the time was right.

WWE Roster, I display a degree of arrogance, yes. Each of your opinions of me will forever be your own. But in terms of what I have done for this industry – for all of you – I consider myself to be a loyal member of RuneScape Wrestling who will forever promote its best interests. I would hope, hand on heart, that you now recognise that.

I don’t speak out of self-interest. My message isn’t one of blind idealism. It’s one of preservation and legacy. It’s one that, on occasion, spills over onto two posts such is my passion and love for this business; a business which Brama Bull will exploit if you allow him to.

Yes, I am an egotist. But Brama Bull2 is a liar. (And a Texan. Last time a Texan was President that did*’t go so well. Just saying.)

WWE Roster. Believe in me. Stand alongside me.

RSW can be remembered as glorious.

07-May-2014 22:18:59



Posts: 12,964 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
In the spirit of reconciliation, I will not be replying to “Blue Narrows” post. It’s co-incidental that he’s also missed the entire point of me wanting RSW to be left to rest in peace, not turned back into how it was “back in the day”. But whatever. He’s new.

Tigereye6904 will not be afforded the same courtesy, because he should know better.

07-May-2014 22:19:23



Posts: 12,964 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Tiger mate, listen up. This is me dropping the “badass heel” act. This isn’t me talking to you as The Grey Wolf. Hell, this isn’t even me talking to you as Dedle.

This is me talking to you as Edward.

That you’re trying to mimic me is flattering, but give it up mate.

I accept that I play a character. I accept that I exaggerate certain parts of my personality on these Forums and in that ring. But I don’t completely fabricate them. And that’s the difference between you and me. You pretend you’re some badass who runs the ******* show when in reality you have the real life look of a socially inept outsider. Whenever you make one of these big authoritarian posts I just picture you with your postman pat glasses and laugh at your 130lbs ass ******* himself off behind a computer screen. Half the time I don’t even take in what you’re saying, I just assume you’ll be declaring how well you did in your most recent running race. You still in ******* junior school?

There’s a huge difference between us because you’ve seen me in real life too mate. My image is up on the LDF Proboards. I had to go and ******* find it, but I see that Jon referred to me as “beautiful but arrogant”, and to be fair that’s probably spot on. He also called me a “majestic stallion” which is a bit ******* weird tbh Jon, but who am I to judge. Regardless, the facts remain the same. I’m good looking. I get girls. I just came back from six months travelling Australia on my own because I’ve got the ******* bottle to walk into a new country and make something for myself.

If I acted in real life like I do on here I’d get started on by groups of lads in every ******* club I ever walked into, of course I would. But you can’t be as ******* convincing as I am without having something about you in the first place.

That’s why people take me seriously. And it’s why I see right through you. Don’t post at me again you disrespectful son of a *****.

07-May-2014 22:19:40



Posts: 3,986 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Pounds of OG said :
Well!!! Certainly love checking back in every now and then to see how RSW's doing, and it's definitely nice to see there's still one company up. :)

RSW in 2006

Hello, Jub! We welcome you back any time!

07-May-2014 23:53:35

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