Probably, got to wait and see what those challenges look like.
Interesting, Jagex offers another outfit on a day when once again my bank is stuffed to the gills and I had to destroy outfits to pick up from Diango later.
hmm anyone got some nice tags to go with
Super Seuss
Faster then a speeding crossbolt?
or how about aliteration?
Super Seuss scapeing snods!
Super Seuss sneaking stealthily!
Super Seuss snarking silllies!
On topic.
Hooray Teams!
Name? Super A Team
“You're off to Great Places! Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting, So... get on your way!”
Dr. Seuss,
I'm sorry I haven't gotten around to planning events yet! I've been very busy lately and I'll probably be busy for at least the next week or so. Tomorrow or Wednesday, I will try to plan an event or two for this weekend. As always, if any of you would like to plan event, you're more than welcome to do so! Just post the event information here and I'll update the schedule on the first page as soon as possible.
I hope everyone is enjoying the divination competition.
My clan tends to do fish flingers every sunday around 5pm gmt, we use iron faery fc for hints etc, but i thought you had fishing trawler every sunday so i never brought it up
Cyprusgirl the Queen of Nubs
Leader Of Wbs United
Deputy Owner - Kirstunael
| #638 Cyprusgirl - 20/7/14
Completionist (T)
If anybody's interested, the penguin event is in just under two hours, World 60, Falador Square.
We've had 20+ attendees the past two weeks, and it's a fair bit of fun. You can check out the informational post on page 1 post 10, or you can join the "Skill union" friends chat and ask.