I have never participated in one of your events. Do we know what the skills are or do we find out when we join in teams? Nonetheless, sign me up please as I am interested and love a good competition!
ill sign up, I may not be much help but I think I'll be able to help out a bit on this particular competition.
¸•**•. . .. ... `›.¸¸,,.‹º¹¹º›¸ . .. . -›¸
':,¸¸,,+¹`¨´'; .. . Jayesh .. °›.¸¸,,›'
;;;:;:::.:... ... ':,¸¸,,.
My Wiz In Me
Shooo Fly
Smokey 35
Travel Card
Thanks for signing up, guys.
Skillr - DancingQueen and I have been talking about that. We know magic, firemaking, and cooking are possibilities, but some other skills could also involve heat. We're not sure whether each team will be limited to three or four skills that they can choose, the skills will be the same for both teams, etc. but you will definitely have at least some flexibility as to which skill or skills you train.
Travel - Don't worry, the competition is just for fun. Hey, if you earned 1,337 exp I'm sure everyone would be pretty jealous of you.
23-Jun-2013 00:52:22
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23-Jun-2013 00:53:19
My Wiz In Me
Any skills chosen will certainly be fun, though I presume the confusion is that beyond Firemaking really, most skills can be trained with or without `heat`. Magic seems an odd `choice` above the likes of Crafting/Smithing, as Fire spells are just a small element of many types of Magic.
Yeah, it can be confusing. I'm pretty sure more skills than the three mentioned above will be possibilities, but chances are good that each team will be limited to a few skills. I'll talk to Ruby about it in a bit and I'll let you know what we decide.
I just thought I'd let you all know that I have real life plans soon. I should be home around the time that the Great Orb Project event starts, but if I'm not there right at the beginning, don't worry, I didn't forget.
23-Jun-2013 16:34:23
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23-Jun-2013 16:35:57
My Wiz In Me
I'll try and catch Wiz ingame as soon as I can, although I fear he's run away from me
I didn't mean to create confusion with regards to choosing the skills, I just wanted everyone to do a little thinking about skills that use heat to gain xps. As already mentioned, the obvious are firemaking and cooking, smithing, but also magic gaining xps while 'superheating' items. The idea behind it was that once you've been allocated a team you can post and let the rest of your team of any suggestions for skills, the skills with the most votes will be taken into consideration. If this means that people get confused, and or can't come up with suggestions then we will choose the skills to train. We can't have every skill as Wiz will need to keep a tab and would take too much of his already limited time to update.
I hope this makes it clear, please post your thoughts so we can finalise it and get things going.