If you have any questions, or wish to take part, please leave a post on this thread, and we'll get back to you, or arrange a time to play.
(It will help with transparency, if you post on the thread - we wish to remain open, and clear, as to who is participating, and for them to be able to see their score is counted).
Anyone is welcome to take part, from complete newcomers, up to the best players. Teams are also welcome, and we can provide partners, if needed, if you give us notice of this requirement (it should be noted, however, that two peoples' solos are almost always higher than a duo score, so it may work out more effective, if you both play solo rounds).
The sum of all the amounts raised, will be donated in Bond form (or gp, if that turns out to give the most effective donation per gp, this time round - need clarification from JAGEX, on this).
If the amount ends up including a fraction of a bond, it will always be rounded
All donations will payed by us, and be put in the Well via this account, so that participants can check that their raised money has been donated.
15-Jan-2018 05:54:29
- Last edited on
15-Jan-2018 06:33:31
Yusou Bhoroi