Wow! I mean wow! It sounds good, but it's not at all!
Other DXP weekends in almost all other games are about 72 hours. Now that's 3 whole days to do whatever you want with it.
But here, it starts "AS SOON" as you log in, continues for only 36 hours. Sure, it's over 10 days, but you CANNOT toggle it off once online. So you completely waste it if doing things that doesn't count.
In my case, I "might" only get about 6 to 8 hours of DXP because of all the running, waiting, etc on quests that don't count. So lets say I'm on a Master VERY LONG quest that has a lot of running around in it and very little killing/crafting. I've wasted at least several hours of my precious 36 on probably only about 10 minutes of DXP.
Now, a solution would be a toggle, which I've seen in other MMO's. This event is over 10 days so it would be ideal. If you know you were going to be wasting time on something, toggle it off and it stops the clock. Then when just killing or crafting, toggle it ON to start the DXP clock. This way, everyone would benefit equally from this even. Simple "ON DXP/ OFF DXP".
They make this sound SO great, but it's really not. My 36 hours will be sucked up and gone in the first few days, AND I'll probably only get about 6 to 8 hours of DXP.
They didn't think this through very well at all!
A toggle would have been very easy also from a programming point of view. Yes, I do that for a living!
It's too late for this event, but maybe for the future? This way everyone could optimize their game time equally.
22-Nov-2019 10:05:05