Quirk, the amount of time and dedication you put into this community is truly inspiring. I'm glad that you kept WEB going even though Abbi just left. You will be missed dearly; be sure to keep in touch!
I haven't had the chance to be on much lately, but Icy is a loyal member who I think would be good for the job if WEB is to continue. Is he still active?
oh danggit! i got to go shopping tomorrow.
if we don't have the meeting, someone tell me. i would like to put my name in to be a temp leader of web. Guppy and Quirk think i can handle it, but i want you all to decide.
see ya later
I want to try a hand at leader i'm active most of the time.
However, I can't attend most of the events due to time zones
, I'll strive to try and make them anyways.
If you guys want to get some events going saying we need to isn't going to do much. Start by taking action and making a event. It really doesn't matter who does it. I really don't have time to plan any.