I am sorry to hear the Odd Old Me, we'll hope you can solve your problem soon.
Hey Mind lovely avatar!
You went to the zombie fest organized by the Jagex?
I enjoyed it.
I will slay them all. -G.S.
Events up for this week are Dungeoneering and Castle wars. Seeing as no one liked that castle wars event earlier it is just dungeoneering... So I need some suggestions
I also will be very busy this week along with the next 3 weekends
. I am sorry, but I probably won't be able to make it to any events for the next 3 weekends. *IF* I have time during the week I will try to do my best to get as much work and preparation for the events done as I can.
We hope to see you soon Odd
01-Nov-2010 02:08:05
- Last edited on
01-Nov-2010 03:00:08
Quirk X
we could do a wilderness scavenger hunt.
where we need to search for certain items within the wilderness and then bring them back to one of the members outside of the wilderness.
at the same time, a player will give clues to help us find the items we need to find.
Hope that's an idea for you quirky and abbi =)
++Wolfkeen, alpha of the wolfpack++
Hey guys i've talked with Amo and we're thinking of planning a WEB vs Equinox Stealing creation event next week or weekend sometime, if we can find some free time. This weeks stealing creation event was pretty much dead except me, Amo and Erdamir, so.. yeah if we can find a slot to do that event , would be good!
~Mind over Matter
If you can make Sunday at 7.30pm (GMT) that would be great for a game of skilling stealing creation!
In the past we have tried to even out teams to make it as fair to everyone
Perhaps we could even all join together to take on other teams if we are confident enough!
Catch up in game and my support as ever
(PS My Wiz and WFE are also heading to Stealing Creation later on (playing normal games)... I am going to try to get some of our peeps to support his event too!)
Anyways see you soon, time to zoooom!