I am going to give a blanket statement that I'm nearly positive is felt by the entire RSW community:
Deafdavid - If you feel that you are in the league of those before you, you should probably learn how to properly construct a forums post with some flame in it. What you're doing now is absolutely atrocious. For your sake, you should edit your post to say "achievements" instead of your "achievement", because as it stands, you only have one... A point which could be argued - that you're one achievement is single-handedly reworked the concept of annoying "heel". So, we can congratulate you there, or wait for you to correct your post and actually come back with a few - properly worded, please - accomplishments.
Also, you should consider the crowd in which you are trying to perform. While you may not have much of a legacy, you do have more than that of Wobble, and attempting to create tension with him will get you nowhere. You now have your match with Tiger Jericho. You should consider ways in which you can out-talk arguably the greatest talker in Runescape Wrestling history.
14-Aug-2014 14:19:42