Is buying bonds from Google play store supported yet on RS Mobile?, I purchased a bond yesterday using my Google play credits but the bond still hasn't shown.
As this is a
issue, I’ve moved your thread to this forum. Since you’ve bought bonds through a third-party (Play Store), it may take a while to confirm your payment on Jagex’s side. In any case, see this article to make sure you’ve bought them for the correct game version:
Find my Bonds
So just to confirm, buying bonds from rs mobile (rs3) is supported and is not one of those things that might or might not work? Anyone has bought from mobile before?
17-Aug-2019 13:27:21
- Last edited on
17-Aug-2019 13:27:43
l Sir
Hi, I indeed did buy them for the correct game. I was logged into the runescape 3 client, and not osrs mobile. It might be just that the purchase hasn't updated on Jagex side but I want to check if this is normal and if someone else has purchase bond from mobile for rs3.
Also, I heard from few that we need to claim our purchase from Google play store but I can't see anywhere to claim this. If anyone knows, please let me know.
I believe the Bonds you buy through the Google Play store are only OSRS Bonds, not RS3.
You will have to check your OSRS game to see if they are there.
Quote moved in from your other thread:
Original message details are unavailable.
Is it possible to transfer bond from OSRS to RS3 without redeeming. I want to sell the bonds, can it be sold once its transferred to rs3 without having to make it tradable.
So, you have found the Bond now?
Nope, I have not received the one I originally bought - I will raise this with runescape support.
I have some google play credits to kill, so I'll be buying 9 bonds but according to the link you gave '4. Hit 'Redeem membership' and redeem the Bonds purchased by mistake for membership.'.
It looks like I have to redeem them first but not sure how sensible it would be to redeem all 9.