Through automatic payment I've paid for 3 months on the 23'rd of November and for Premium today on the 25th when I discovered my 1 year premium was up. How is this balance solved by Jagex?
I had 1 year premium from the 25th of November in 2019 and during this last year I have also redeemed free membership through Twitch, how is this balance solved by Jagex?
When I started my 1 year premium in 2019 it was during an already purchased 3 months subscription, the balance was to be added to my account according to Jagex info when I purchased 1 year premium, but this has not happened.
I can't find out how to submit a ticked about these questions and none of the quite endless payment support threads and links provided by Jagex can give me the information I need.
How do I submit a ticket, please?
25-Nov-2020 17:44:46
- Last edited on
25-Nov-2020 20:56:39