
confused re billing

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May Member 2018


Posts: 2,630 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I just got msg from Jagex via my registered email that my premier membership prescription to this game is about to be renewed "automatically". I do not remember setting up any "automatic" renewal process; so this is confusing. This message does not even state the cost of the new 12-month renewal.

Not sure now what to do as my membership for this "jodie" account will expire 11-14-23 and I do want it to continue. Just thought I needed to do it myself each year as I don't like Jagex keeping my banking information for anything "automatic". Any information about this would be helpful.
I am what I am! Acknowledging this is the beginning; and my growth is yet to end!
II Cor. 5:7 "We walk by faith! Not by sight!"

07-Nov-2023 13:52:00

May Member 2006


Posts: 43,030 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hi there

Premier Membership is now an auto-renewing membership.
The old Premier Club was not. It used to have to be bought freshly each year.

You don't get to choose whether you want Premier Membership to be auto-renewing, it is part of the conditions of the purchase and is stated on the payment page at the time you are paying. You may not remember seeing it but it was there and clear.

The price will be exactly the same as last year as prices have not gone up since.

Jagex store payment information to be able to access payments for renewable memberships.
However you do get a box to tick or not tick about "remember my payment information for next time" .
That refers only to occasional purchases you might make e.g. Bonds, RuneCoins etc.
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07-Nov-2023 22:34:50

May Member 2018


Posts: 2,630 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I just received a message from my bank debit card that I've always used to pay
RuneScape premier memberships with. The message said there were two (2) efforts were made to get money in the amount of $79.99 One effort was apparently declined. Since it is Sunday I was not able to talk with anyone about this. However, in this game I received a message from Jagex telling me the payment did "not" go through due to some mix up at my bank. Since I was able to verify my debit card number and the $79.99 amount were accurate (as well as the expiration date on my card), I don't understand what is occurring. There should not have been a mix up at all unless Jagex actually did try to get the $79.99 out of my bank twice....I never keep enough in that account to cover more than one year's payment ... only one year ... so there was definitely enough to cover the $79.99 fee for one year's membership....

Tomorrow is a holiday so this cannot even be straightened out until Tuesday; and Tuesday I will be on the road. So not sure what is going to occur to my Jagex account.

If Jagex did try to get the payment out of my bank two times, of course it failed.......... It should not have failed if Jagex only tried to get the yearly amount out one time!

I do not have a cell phone in my area; so using PayPal is not something I can do. If Jagex cannot send in a proper request to get the yearly fee out "once" and it go thru, I have no idea how to play this game. :(
I am what I am! Acknowledging this is the beginning; and my growth is yet to end!
II Cor. 5:7 "We walk by faith! Not by sight!"

12-Nov-2023 15:52:49 - Last edited on 12-Nov-2023 16:40:38 by jodie

May Member 2018


Posts: 2,630 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I just spoke with my bank that holds the bank debit card I have always used to make yearly payments to Jagex. I was told there were "no transactions" showing for the past 30 days. This is different from the message that debit card told me initially, i.e. that there were actually 2 attempts; so this is confusing. (The message I got in game from Jagex said they had tried to get payment on Nov 11th.) I verified my debit card number, name & expiration date with my bank; and all is the same. It is the same that Jagex has used for the past 2 yrs; but I do not know how to confirm Jagex is using the same numbers. (How do I find out what numbers for this debit card Jagex is using?)

When I try to find out by contacting Jagex it asks me to log into my Jagex Account using my email address. I did put in my "registered" email address (at least the one I remember) and its password; but got message it was in error. I've been trying to verify in this game what my "registered" email is and what password it requires; but have not found a way to do this. (I don't think it is one of the 10 verification codes given me.)

(The message from Jagex had a hyperlink but it is not helpful as I get an "oops" failed site.) Now I'm stuck not knowing how to even log into these forums....except by the means I've been doing and did so now which is from already being logged into the game itself; then using the message center > full website > forum where it shows I'm already logged in. I am feeling quite helpless and my RuneScape membership is about to expire for the year. What do I do now? It seems I've lost control of my Jagex account and, thus, of my playing this game. :(
I am what I am! Acknowledging this is the beginning; and my growth is yet to end!
II Cor. 5:7 "We walk by faith! Not by sight!"

12-Nov-2023 16:39:27 - Last edited on 12-Nov-2023 16:42:13 by jodie

May Member 2006


Posts: 43,030 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"no transactions" and an "attempt" at a transaction are not the same thing.
Until the attempt is successful, there is no transaction.

Jagex will attempt to take the payment once a day for several days.
Each day they try, you will receive a message in your inbox advising you of the outcome.
After a number of failed attempts, Jagex will stop trying to take the payment.

"How do I find out what numbers for this debit card Jagex is using?"

You cannot access this information from the website. Hijackers would LOVE to find this out!
Jagex will access the exact same account as they took the money from last time.

If you are not in UK: check that you have authorised your bank to pay an international transaction (banks have tightened up on international transactions in recent months due to the prevalence of online scams).
If you are in USA: check that there are sufficient funds to pay the sales tax as well as the membership if you are in a sales tax state. Information: US Sales Tax
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12-Nov-2023 21:50:10

May Member 2018


Posts: 2,630 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I spoke with my bank about the bank debit card I'm still using to pay for this game; and I told them to "permit" the international transaction to go through. I was told it "would" be done. Yet when getting into this game just now I find another msg from Jagex telling me another attempt to get the payment from my bank failed. (I'm not sure what to do now except call again tomorrow.)

I have forgotten when this year's membership in game ends; so hopefully it will be taken care of prior to this. (Guess I better just stay in f2p areas for awhile as I don't want to lose the ability to use this "jodie" account. However, playing in f2p when being in members for so many years is disheartening to me.)
I am what I am! Acknowledging this is the beginning; and my growth is yet to end!
II Cor. 5:7 "We walk by faith! Not by sight!"

13-Nov-2023 23:27:11

May Member 2018


Posts: 2,630 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have not been able to find out when my membership expires. How do I do that? I went into my account settings and it is not there!

Since I have no idea when my membership expires and the year's payment is having difficulties, I bought a "bond" with 95 mil in-game money to make sure I at least have 14 days to get this problem resolved. (This was disheartening in that I just don't have a lot to spend in game. :( ( )

After using this newly bought bond, I did get a msg in game telling me the bond had been redeemed and I had the 14 days that started today (11-14-23). Still nothing in that msg let me know what day my membership expires. (Surely this 14 days will be added to whatever time I have on this account....but have no idea what Jagex is doing.) Surely there is a way to find out; but I have no found it. :(
I am what I am! Acknowledging this is the beginning; and my growth is yet to end!
II Cor. 5:7 "We walk by faith! Not by sight!"

14-Nov-2023 00:44:24

May Member 2006


Posts: 43,030 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
To find out about your membership status, click on 'My Account' at the top of this page.
On the next page, under Membership, you should see a 'Manage your subscriptions' button.
If you see that, click it then click the 'View by account' button.
The next screen will show you exactly what membership you have.

If you cannot see the 'Manage your subscriptions' button it means you do not have a recurring membership and you should be able to see a 'Member until xx/xx/xxxx' date above (under the Membership heading).
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14-Nov-2023 07:02:59

May Member 2018


Posts: 2,630 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Malua I followed your instructions, i.e. " top of this page click the 'View by account' button ..." I did see the "manage your subscriptions" button & clicked it.

It brought up a login page where I had to use one of my "account's backup codes"; then choose which character to view.

In choosing "jodie" got the following:
"MANAGE BY ACCOUNT If you are here to cancel your subscription to take advantage of a promotion, then don't worry, there is no need to cancel as we won't take another payment for your subscription until you have nearly run out of membership credit." Under this was a small window with "Package 12 month Premier Membership Subscription Start Date 14-11-22 rebill date 11-11-23" and there is a hyperlink to "cancel" . (I saw nothing that told me when that premier membership expired.) I just left that page as was without clicking anything else.

In game today I could not get into world 52 (premier world) getting msg I needed to be a premier member to use it. That tells me my membership expired & now Jagex is only letting me play in members because I bought that 14-day in-game bond.

Called my bank again today & spoke directly with one handling my bank debit card. He said the request for payment had been from an international company & my bank had denied it out of caution; that it now had a "lock" on my bank card. After finding out the payment amount that had been denied was the $79.99 Jagex charged for the 12-month premier club membership (knowing I definitely had more than enough in that account to cover it), I told this man I wanted that payment to go through; that it was a premium I wanted paid "every" year for awhile. This man then told me to hold until he fixed it. When he returned he said he had "unlocked" it & the next time this same international company sent in a request for payment it would be honored.

Now I do not know how to proceed...start over buying the premier membership???
I am what I am! Acknowledging this is the beginning; and my growth is yet to end!
II Cor. 5:7 "We walk by faith! Not by sight!"

15-Nov-2023 02:12:44

May Member 2006


Posts: 43,030 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
jodie said :
Now I do not know how to proceed

Are you still getting messages from Jagex about them trying to collect a payment from you?
If so, how many have you had?

If you have had five messages it means Jagex have stopped trying and you will need to set up a new payment.
If you have had less than five, just wait and Jagex will try again.
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15-Nov-2023 05:55:52 - Last edited on 15-Nov-2023 06:07:47 by Malua

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