I tried to buy membership for an alt (same Jagex Account), but noticed too late that I was logged into the wrong character at payment, even though I clicked "Become a Member" from said alt's account page. I submitted a transfer request to support and am still waiting on a reply (which makes sense, as Reddit says they don't work weekends).
My questions:
1. How long do transfer requests usually take to resolve given the high volume of requests support is getting? [EDIT]: Did a search, and while I couldn't find a concrete answer, it looks like I shouldn't start to expect anything until the middle of the week.
2. What should I do if it's not resolved in a "reasonable" timeframe? Should I submit another request?
3. Does anything I do now affect eligibility? Like, would playing on the source character cause the membership to be considered "used"? Or, would successfully buying membership on the target character while the transfer is still pending confuse the system? What about an uninvolved character on the same Jagex Account?
Thanks for any replies, and feel free to ask for more details if you think they're relevant.
27-Aug-2023 19:53:34
- Last edited on
27-Aug-2023 21:44:50
Mitzi Felde