Trading (Thieving) Camouflage Parts
I'm looking for: Keldagrim Legs
I'm offering: Prif Body, Desert Body
Trading (Runecrafting) EtherealParts
I'm looking for: Law Hands
I'm offering: Blood Body, Blood Feet, Death Head, Death Body
Private message me .......... Yes
If you can fill any of those requests, I'm willing to trade you any the following pieces for anything I can accept:
Adding (Runecrafting) Ethereal Parts
Offering: Blood Body, Blood Feet, Death Head, Death Body
Accepting: Law Hands, Blood/Death parts not owned
Adding (Dungeoneering) Gorajan Trailblazer
Offering: Frozen Hands & Feet
Accepting: Anything except occult
Adding (Divination) Divination Parts
Offering: Chronicle Feet, Chronicle Legs
Accepting: Anything except Memory, gloves, or bodies
Adding (Hunter) Trapper Parts
Offering: Arctic Head
Accepting: Anything
Adding (Woodcutting) Sentinel Parts
Offering: Oak Boots, Maple Boots, Willow Trunks
Accepting: Anything
EDIT: Last updated 4/17/20