need-occult head, body and hands
offering- frozen feet, furnished body and legs, abandoned hands
i can also trade the occult pieces for furnished if thats easier for someone
need-oak body
offering-willow hands, maple head
need- desert head
offering-jungle head and hands, arctic body, legs, head and hands
i can also trade the desert pieces for arctic feet if thats easier as well
pm me
31-Aug-2019 08:03:36
- Last edited on
02-Sep-2019 08:47:21
I noticed a lot of the stuff you listed is regular skill outfits, not the elite skill outfits (made with invention from skill fragments). Those cannot be traded at all.
And the elite outfits can only be traded 1:1 for the same kind of outfit. (So you could trade your Ruby Golem head for an Emerald Golem body, but you could not trade a woodcutting outfit piece for a mining piece.) These are restrictions in the game itself, not a limitation of this thread.