Lending Dragon Hatchet!
1 hour - 20k
6 hours - 110k
12 hours - 205k
24 hours - 400k
48 hours - 775k
72 hours - 1.2m
Status: Available
Lending Dragon Hatchet for 20k or lesss an hour!!! make your money back in minutes!!! msg me in game or post here!
I've been playing since 2006 or so I don't know why this shows 2019 on my profile... If anyone has any info on fixing that it'd be appreciated.. look me up on high scores or check out my profile.. I have over 800 posts on the forums and I didn't get my levels all this month haha
16-Jun-2014 16:40:09
- Last edited on
16-Jun-2014 16:42:42