this is just pointless ive done nothing wrong and even u dont believe me. its impossible they got any evedince against me cause ive done nothing wrong.
They say they cant show evidence cause they i would find out which methods they use to see if soming is using anything. Well maybe its better if they look into those methods cause they clearly dont work
why would i make such a problem out of this if i knew i did anything wrong.... exactly i didnt
Jagex/JMods will investigate their 'detection methods' over and over to see that nothing is left to the imagination of oneself but does what it should do and that is protecting the games integrity.
Koeskoes I’m on the same boat as you bro almost maxed account I play on the osrs client they provide don their website only and I’m being told I am not
As you have used your appeal and it has been denied, I'm afraid that there is nothing more than can be done for you on the forums, and therefore this thread has been closed. The Forums may not be used to appeal or protest account bans.