I've got a problem regarding my old character. I've used my old credentials to log in to oldschool RS and now it wants me to start from tutorial island. I had a character on 70+ lvl with a lot of stuff in bank, now my character has completely different name with no suff inside... How could I reach to my old character?
If you are talking about your posting account (Kaijtus), you need to log into RS3 to find your old game progress as you remember.
Your Kaijtus account has never played Old School RS.
While Old School RS is based on RuneScape, it isn't the game we played all those years ago. Old School RS is a new game, released in 2013.
Your Kaijtus account is Combat level 63 in RS3.
Also, make sure you are up-to-date with security.
Email, device and account security are really,
important nowadays.
Instructions to work through are:
click here for Security tips.
Original message details are unavailable.
Ok, everything understood. Just one more question. Can I use my old character which is in RS3 right now at OldSchool Runescape server?
Very sadly, no.
The two games are completely separate. We create and train a separate character in each game.