well i got ban for doing nothing wrong in the first place, so why in the world would i put money into a company that does that.
i am very careful the fact that you guys just shift the blame to me is ridiculous i have checked everything on my end.
the fact that you guy make it so hard to get anything reviewed is stupid i was 100% ban for no reason at all.
you guys breached your own terms and conditions and the fact that you don't accept the possibility that you stuffed up says a lot, you didnt even review ive been play this game since 2007 and this is the first thing that i have been flagged for and you say its on me. go look up my review tell me exactly where and how i stuffed it. at lest have a review in the denied appeals on why it was denied
and all i get from you guy is a wish washy cant do anything answer
have a way for your customer to lodge a legitimate complaint for stuff like this is the least you guys can do instead im better off talking to a wall.
and i was a paying customer two this was a reboot for fun. i will now cancel all my subscription and not pay a single cent to you people ever again. look at my rs3 account if you dont believe that i wasnt a member.
05-Apr-2023 08:58:33