I've been playing this ironman for a while super on and off because my main account, "Krishn", was banned. It was banned in Oct 2019 on the 3rd. I was 16 years old at the time and I had met a "friend" over runescape since I was 15 and he had been harassing me for a while continuously to use my account. I said no for over a year and he was incredibly relentless and being stressed with exams in September like the SAT and ACT and upcoming AP classes, I allowed him to use it because I was tired of ddos threats and I was scared that my aunt and uncle would kick me out if something happened that was my fault. I know I was so stupid and should have just blocked him completely but I was also scared of the threats and being under duress at that time and having my literal housing at stake since my parents weren't stable enough to keep me, I was in such a bad situation. That account got me through literally the toughest of times irl and I made so much progress with it giving it an immeasurable amount of sentimental value to it. I've tried everything to get it appealed right away but nothing has worked so I gave up trying on and off every few months. Now that I want to really get back into rs, I want to come back to the same account that got me through my childhood and holds so much sentimental value to me. I feel as though I've been grieving my account this past week and realizing how much I've missed it and the amount of value it holds to me. Having played on this account since I was maybe 12 or younger it holds nostalgia to it. Not even a month after I finally forced up the details, it was permanently banned but I would never have personally broke the rules of runescape. I have lots of evidence to show it wasn't me, the harassment, timestamps, I'll show a picture of my ID to show my age, I will do anything to get that account back. I was a stupid kid who was scared and made an awful decision that took away the most important non-familial thing from me. Please help.
02-Jun-2023 13:28:53