Should there not be evidence provided to the person who's being accused of "breaking a rule" ? not once but twice there hadn't been any evidence provided to back up these claims, let alone a reason for doing so, evidence should be provided so that the moderators are aware of the offence type but also for the consumer's sake, so that they too are aware of any risks of any further actions that could potentially be taken and used against them. Evidence is a major factor in proving whether someone is guilty or innocent of an offence. Also in the rules it states players can be punished at any given time for any reason, it doesn't state that player's can be punished without a reason.
Also, I understand that evidence is kept so it can be reviewed but why is it that those are used against someone but cannot be appealed? I just got done reading somewhere that there was a change after 07 days (somewhere around 09) where black marks aren't even issued anymore, given so that people can have second chances instead of offenses accumulating depending on how severe, but I have offenses in the past that were nothing but small language offenses that didn't even consist of anything that would be considered a real offense today, so I feel like there's been a ton of people who've gotten chances considering they were from years ago but all mine was considered to have the outcome be a permanent mute.
25-Sep-2023 16:53:35
- Last edited on
25-Sep-2023 18:22:40
Pagan Dusk