I have been playing this game on and off for well over 20+ years. I decided to make a comeback a few days ago in which was the first time I had logged in over 500 days.
I decided to buy a bond to get 14 day membership to see if I would get my mojo back for this game and decided to train my melee skills non stop against sand crabs.
Now I have been temp banned and my appeal denied for bot busting, what a load of nonsense. I have never done such a thing in my entire runescape career. All I did was download the jagex launcher, make an account, link my characters and then download runelite. I have not used any other 3rd party softwares nor did I download any external plug ins for runelite.
Evidence Type: Jagex Moderator Comment
So your telling me a mod tried to interact with me but because he was ignored, they assume I am botting? This is disgraceful. There is upto a 10minute AFK period that you can when fighting sand crabs and then i move manually away and come back to my original spot to make the crabs aggressive again. I even interacted with people during my time when they tried to steal my spot. It's not my fault that I didn't reply to a undercover mod. Moreover, why should I have to even reply to anyone? It's my choice and there are chat settings for a reason. You deny my appeal, have you even looked into my logs? You'll see me logging in and out plenty of times due to inactivity as I missed the 10minute frame. You will be able to see me interacting with other users. You will be able to see that I also logged in from a mobile and was doing the same thing.
I was actually enjoying my comeback and was I wanted to go for the quest cape but now I am not even going to bother playing anymore if this is what they to do a long serving user and customer of the game. You mods in charge of bans should be ashamed of yourselves. I will never play this game again. I am not going to waste my time and energy for something and then get penalized and threatened to get a perm ban
29-Dec-2023 21:26:49