Got some bad news for you. Sadly you will not get the items returned. You may also want to do a full security scan on your computer for any keyloggers, or trojans.
Don't ever think the reason I am peaceful is because I do not know how to be violent.
Ekki hugsa alltaf að ég sé friðsælt vegna þess að ég veit ekki hvernig á að vera ofbeldi.
The opening post has been hidden as the Forums may not be used to make accusations about other players by name. (The account you are accusing could very well be another hijacked account.) The post is quoted below with the name of the accused redacted:
Original message details are unavailable.
Yesterday night I made the mistake of clicking on a dummy link that appeared to be RuneScape official. After clicking, the use “[Edited]” took over my screen and traded all my items and gp to his account. Is there anyway jagex can view my trade history and notice this is an uncommon trade and I can get my items back? I lost about 29m and 300m worth of armor and materials. The users name was [Edited] as when I got back access to my computer he had added himself to my ignore list. Never once was my login or account breached but my actual computer and screen. I’m not sure if the name is correct to a T, however if jagex can view my account they will notice the trade and pms sent yesterday night.
As this is an account issue, this thread has been moved to the Community Led Account Help Forum.
For Jagex's policy on items lost to your account being hijacked, please see the Support Centre article on
Lost Items
. There are also links in that article to other Support Centre articles to help you ensure that your computer and account are secure.
If the phishing link was on a third party site such as YouTube, FaceBook, or Twitch, please report it to that site. You may also wish to report it to Jagex via their
Phishing Report Centre sticky