Hi I’ve been using the Microsoft Authenticator for like a year now and I checked my account yesterday and some how they got into my account does anyone no how this would happen I changed everything after that just don’t understand how this happened
Did you find your Authenticator still active or had it been removed?
If it was removed, it means your email is insecure.
If it is still active, it means either your device is insecure or the hijacker has been able to set up a third party login method (linked account).
As an OSRS player, are you using RuneLite? If so, are you accessing through the website here or did you download it from elsewhere. There have been some recent cases of insecure RuneLite.
Log into account management and check the 'Linked Accounts' tab.
If you see any accounts linked, unlink them (including your own). Click on 'Manage Steam' to check for a linked Steam account.
If the only linked account is your own, review the security of your linked account on its home website as it is insecure.