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if the offense warrant a perm mute, then well its a perm mute. especially as it was denied. it must have been something bad for it to be perm and denied instantly.
if you break rules you will get punished.
I also want to reiterate the fact that this is a first offense EVER and I have been playing this game for literally a month. I had no idea that a first infraction could instantly be resulted in a perma mute. This by no means imply that I said it on purpose with the expectation of getting away with the punishment. However, I do believe what I have said deserves a perpetual chat silence.
Again, I also want to re-emphasize that I am not asking for a complete reversion of my punishment, but rather a less severe one. I would gladly take a year chat ban or a month suspension over getting chat banned forever on a first offense.
14-Jul-2023 02:08:44